Day 5: Paying a Visit

Tuesday 20th December 2016

A few miles away from Funchal, we drove up to a restaurant called Planka for us to have lunch with my parents and grandma as we were feeling hungry. When we got to the restaurant, it had a lovely view of Madeira as it was on some high ground.
A nice view of Maderia
For my lunch, I had some meat covered in mushroom sauce; some lettuce, onions, cucumber and tomatoes; and some rice and chips, whilst my parents had some milho with some tuna. It was so delicious that I ended up clearing the entire plate!
My lunch: meat covered in mushroom sauce, chips, lettuce, onions, tomatoes and cucumber
Some milho in Madeira
My parents had milho with some fresh tuna
Me and my dad enjoying our lunch
After eating our food, we went to the top of the restaurant as they have access to go up to the roof, and the views were amazing, especially the fact that it was sunny!
A similar view of Madeira, but taken on the roof of Planka
Houses are spread about on the landscape
On the left, the fire outbreak that started earlier in 2016
Reminds me of the Titanic, except that we're not sailing anywhere
Me with a beautiful view of Madeira
Me and my mum under the sunshine
A view of the burnt forest with me and my mum
A panoramic view from the roof of Planka
A cinematic-styled view of Madeira
As we paid for our food and about to leave, we found a vehicle that was heavily damaged at the front. I don’t know what has caused the damage on the vehicle as we weren’t there to see what actually happened, but at least nothing serious has happened.
That's one smashed vehicle!
A view of nature that's seen on the cliff of Madeira
Houses on one side with some nature on the other
Me at Entry No. 21
Does Entry No. 21 lead me down there?
Heading down on Entry No. 21
Trees and nature spread around on the cliff
Our next stop was the hospital with my dad to visit my dad’s father, which was nice to pay him a visit as Christmas is coming. When we got there, I found it deeply upsetting as I saw old people staying inside the hospital that had little to no contact with their families or relatives (before you ask, the hospital wasn’t strict or anything), which kinda made me feel sad. A few of them talked to us and we really enjoyed our company with them.

My dad’s father was a nice, cheerful and happy guy who we enjoyed talking together for some time. Sure, he may be old and all, but at least he’s still alive and well.
Me with my dad's father
All of us together, smiling
Us being happy
As we said goodbye to him, we gave him a sandwich for him to enjoy that was ordered from Planka before.

The Christmas decorations inside the hospital were nice to look at as they brought everyone some Christmas spirits, including myself and my dad. The one at the reception was really good to look at as they used some wine corks and bottle caps on the floor to decorate it.
One of the Christmas decorations in the hospital
The main Christmas decoration in the reception with corks and bottle caps
Using some bottle caps and corks makes it look nice and unique!
A Christmas tree in the reception to spruce some things up
Taking a picture of a statue that's located outside of the hospital
The hospital that I went with my dad
As we returned to our apartment for our usual walk, the sunset around Madeira was beautiful as we walked together as lights slowly started to turn on as the sun went down.
A wonderful and bright sunset behind me
We even found a genuine £1 Jersey note during our walk! What are the chances of that?
What are the chances of finding this in Madeira?
We walked up a hill that wasn’t too steep or anything, but it was worthy for a challenge, especially the fact that we took some nice pictures there when we got up to the top where we can see the whole of Madeira.
Some lights shining from behind me after when the sun went down
Me and my dad with a nice view of Madeira behind us
How rude!
After completing our activity goals on our Apple Watches, we headed back to our apartment as we got ourselves ready to visit a restaurant in Canical with my mum and my grandma. My parents had some limpets, which are popular with the locals, before we all had some picadinho of octopus, fish and meat in 3 separate trays. I quite enjoyed eating some octopus with chips.

My mum enjoying some limpets
Octopus, chips and some tomatoes
Me and my dad enjoying some lunch together
Some meat, chips and tomatoes
For my dessert, I had a Ferrero Rocher mousse. It was delicious and crunchy!

Sweet and delicious!
After having a delicious meal there, we then went to town in Funchal where we all enjoyed having some delicious Italian ice cream. As we were enjoying our ice cream, a taxi pulled up in the middle of the road as it had a problem with the engine, and the taxi driver, along with the help of some local people, began to discover what was the problem before trying to fix it, which they soon did after some time. Another taxi that was parked on the left side of the road with a few other taxis also had a problem with the engine! What was up with that? Thankfully, it was later fixed.

After a few taxi mishaps, we still enjoyed having our ice cream until a man with a plastic bag passed by with a radio turned on that was crackling and suffering a huge loss of signal, which made me laugh so hard that I was crying with laughter! My parents and my grandma also began to laugh as well! It was a funny way to end the night.

Us three having a funny time together


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