Saturday Night X Factor Thoughts

After watching The X Factor from last night (Saturday 26th November 2016), some men ran up onto the stage live on TV after when Honey G, the notorious rapper that has shocked the internet with her surviving the phone vote, has finished her first act, bearing in mind that each X Factor contestant needs to do 2 acts. From watching the show, when it came to a view where it shows the entire arena full of people (screenshot below), some men were seen running down the stairs and onto the stage where they stormed Honey G as one of the men tried to remove her hat and sunglasses, according to The Sun.

The men, which has been circled in red, were seen running down the stairs live on ITV
As the incident happened on ITV when Louis Walsh was giving his feedback to Honey G, it only showed us a glimpse of the men running up from behind the judge's table on Simon Cowell's side and the part where the men confronted Honey G, before the camera switched back to the judge's table that lasted until the incident was sorted. Simon was seen leaving the judge's table in order to solve the conflict whilst Louis was talking to Honey G. In my opinion, I found it quite funny how Louis was acting casual as he was still giving feedback to Honey G whilst Sharon Osbourne and Nicole Scherzinger, on the other hand, were shocked to some extent, but I do completely and fully understand that The X Factor is a family-friendly show as it wouldn't be nice if the incident was broadcasted live to millions of viewers around the UK.

The men again, which are circled in red, are momentarily seen coming from Simon Cowell's side from the judge's table from the audience as they ran onto the stage

The scene where they confronted Honey G live on-stage that appeared for a brief moment on ITV before switching back to the judge's table
The incident was then quickly sorted with the security from The X Factor, and Simon Cowell and Dermot O'Leary made sure Honey G is ok after when the men were taken away by the security.

Anyway, incident aside, many people are complaining that The X Factor is fixed, which means that the show's set on who's going to win by ignoring the public votes they receive from their X Factor app, mobile and landline, as Honey G has survived the sing-off against Ryan Lawrie on 20th November 2016. However, I cannot guarantee that the show's fixed or anything, nor saying that Honey G was better than Ryan, due to insufficient evidence. However, I can say that Ryan Lawrie SHOULD deserve to stay in The X Factor as he sounded, sung and performed better than Honey G, but why was he sent home? It's unclear for the real reason why he was sent home, but he has claimed that Honey G herself is a "character" like Keith Lemon", according to The Sun.

Another question that I ask myself is this: why are the judges honest with the other X Factor contestants and not with Honey G? The feedback that the contestants they receive from their judges are usually things about what they liked about their overall performance, what they didn't like and how it can be improved, and this applies to all 4 judges as they provide their feedback to them, but not when it comes to Honey G. For me, The X Factor is supposed to be a show where the judges themselves provide their contestants with their honest feedback to them, not trying to put wallpaper over the cracks by saying that they're good if they aren't good. I mean, after watching Honey G's performances throughout The X Factor, the judges are always complimenting to Honey G by telling her it's brilliant, amazing or even astonishing, no matter if it sounds awful or not! But if you compare that with the other contestants, the judges often revert back to their original selves by saying the good, the bad, and the improvements to them. But why? Why do they all tell that Honey G is good and provide the other contestants with their honest feedback? Am I missing or forgetting something? Or is this a sarcastic joke that's being made by the judges to make The X Factor more entertaining? Either way, I don't know and I also don't know how she's pulling off in The X Factor. The majority of us don't like her very much whilst some people do, which is fine as it's their honest opinions about Honey G, but, in my opinion, I don't think she has got what it takes to win The X Factor and so does the majority of the other people. Is it hard for the judges to go and say: "Honey G, let's be honest here: I don't think you've got what it takes to win The X Factor. I'm sorry, but it's true. I mean, your performance and rapping isn't something that many people would enjoy. I'm sorry." to her directly?

The X Factor should be all about being honest and listening to the voice of the public, not being one-sided on everything and know which acts to go home and who should win. What do you think? Feel free to comment your opinions down below as no censorship will be made here because everybody has a voice and the right to explain and discuss their opinions.

REMEMBER: there's always both sides on every story. Even if you agree with the current event of The X Factor or not, it's your opinion and that's fine.

(X Factor images are collected from the video on The Sun's article here.)


  1. That is one thing with all of those singing contests on TV, is they tend to be biased towards a certain contestant, but they get sent home second to last, or something like that, because they are obviously not winning the vote. You can assume that a certain contestant is being pulled for every which way, once you know it, sometimes you can guess the winner right away.

    1. Yeah, there's often biased sides on the contestants on shows these days. I find that unfair because everyone should deserve the same equal chance to win.

      By the way, Honey G has been sent home on Sunday last night (27th November 2016).


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